Late Assignment Policy

Korilynn VanDyke

March 29, 2022

Your task is due 11:59 PM CST time the day of due date – try to get it in sooner!

Do not delay or push back deadlines at the last minute. Requesting an extension close to the deadline is not acceptable.

If you are late with your assignment, one of these two situations will apply:

If your assignment is late, but you communicated to us that you would be late.

Unless we agree to your requested extension your project is late. Extensions need to be requested AT LEAST 12 hours before the deadline (preferably 24 hours). The content manager will then grant a 24-hour extension.

If it is not submitted in the 24-hour extension window (if given to you), it will be reassigned.

Our clients count on us to meet our deadlines, and when it’s dropped, we have to facilitate that content order forward to make sure we don’t lose business.

If your assignment is late and you do not notify us ahead of time.

The project will be reassigned by the Content Manager. If the assignment has not yet been reassigned and is submitted late, it is subject to a 50% dock fee to cover rushed QA time and a discount offered to the client.

We do not tolerate late assignments.

If you’re late without communication on a task, it severely endangers projects and client relationships which is the reason we all get paid!

Repeatedly being late on assignments will result in a dismissal from the team.



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