Writing 101: How to Write Eye-Catching Headlines and Scroll-Worthy Subheaders

By admin

March 16, 2023

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Course Description

While we aren’t supposed to judge a book by its cover–that’s exactly what most people do. Before reading a word of your content, people glance at the headline. If it piques their interest, they scroll through the article and glance at the subheaders.

In fact, 43% of readers say they only scan online content rather than read through it.

The headline and subheadings attract readers, make the content scannable, and improve its ranking (as long as you write them right). Only the most exceptional headlines and subheadings will encourage readers to stop long enough to engage with the content.

This course will equip you with the knowledge for crafting outstanding headers and subheaders, so your readers stop every time to read more.

Key concepts covered:

  • The importance of a headline
  • How to structure headlines
  • Google’s best practices for headlines and subheaders
  • Tips and tricks for making your content more scannable