How to Make Google E-E-A-T Up Your Content (and the Reader Too, of Course)

By admin

April 7, 2023

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In this in-depth training course, you will learn everything you need to know about E-E-A-T and the latest changes that came along with that extra “E” this past December 2022. This is a big update, and if you are still practicing for E-A-T then you are missing a HUGE component in your content marketing that could impact your brand.

This course will save you the time of reviewing the entire algorithm PDF, but it would never hurt to check it, just in case. 

Within this course, you will learn how to meet E-E-A-T as a brand and a copywriter, and you must know how to do BOTH sides, even if you are only one, because without knowing the responsibilities of each side, neither can succeed together.

Key Concepts covered in this course: 

  • What the Extra “E” Means
  • How E-E-A-T Impacts Your SERPs
  • How to Improve Your Brand’s Content with E-E-A-T in Mind
  • How to Be a Better Copywriter While Infusing E-E-A-T in Every Piece of Content You Create