Content Marketing 101 for BDRs

By admin

January 18, 2023

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Course Description

As a business development rep, you are a client’s first point of contact for all things content marketing. Some clients will already be SEO experts but aren’t aware of the latest customer-centric trends. Others don’t even know that content marketing is important.

This is where you come in.

You are a friendly and knowledgeable contact they can direct their questions to. You’ll use the information you learn in this course to answer those questions. You’ll also provide additional information that will help clients make informed purchases.

We want the clients to feel confident in their purchases and understand each service’s role in their marketing plan. So, that means telling them what we DO and what we DON’T do so they come in with the right expectations.

Use the latest stats and trends to demonstrate our expertise in the content marketing field. We aren’t just another cheap content service with passable writers. We are EXPERTS that understand content and marketing. We use this combined knowledge to create custom content for each client.

If you run into a question you don’t know, do your research, ask others in the field, or read blogs on content marketing. You will see several links throughout this course to blogs from other experts in the industry that will help you understand content marketing further and keep up with any changes in the industry.

Key concepts covered in this course:

  • Frequently asked client questions WITH answers
  • Resources for staying up to date with changes in our industry
  • Understanding what content marketing is, how it works for our clients, and WHY it should be outsourced
  • Discussing content strategy and the services EW brings to the table
  • Keywords and terms you need to know
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) and how that impacts the content we write for clients

Take your time going through this course. If something is hyperlinked, click it and read that resource. The more knowledgeable you are about content marketing, SEO, and the like, the higher your chances of converting leads.